Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sneak Peek! "Parker & Vega"

What a pair of amazing Labs!
I really enjoyed doing these because it is not that often that I have very well trained babes in front of my lens! Thanks so much for bringing them over! Hope you love what you see so far!

Ms. Vega, such a sweetheart! Gentle and playful and she squints when the sun is out :)

Oh Parker! Mr. Debonair, has to be the most chilled 4 year old Lab I have ever met!

And there they are doing EXACTLY what Mommy tells them to do! Except they were both sitting and Vega decided that this would make a better picture, I think she was right!

I'll be sending your Album link very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Parker & Vega's Mommy wrote:
    "Thank you for taking time out to take pictures of Parker and Vega. Your keen eye truly caught their personality and it showed in all the shots. It was a real pleasure working with you on this shoot and I look forward to getting their pics again next year! What do you think of a winter landscape? Thanks again, you are a true professional and I cant wait to recommend you to all of my clients."
